Patience (or indulgence) is the ability to endure difficult circumstances. Patience can include patience in the face of delay. Tolerance to provocation or tolerance under pressure without a response of disrespect/anger, especially when faced with long-term difficulties, or the ability to wait for long periods of time without irritation or boredom. Patience is the level of patience you can have in the face of disrespect. It is also used to refer to personality traits such as steadfastness. Antonyms include haste and impulsiveness.

More about patience is as follows:

Being patient is a virtue that is crucial in life because it enables us to remain composed and resilient in the face of difficulties. Patience enables us to take a step back and weigh our options before making decisions, preventing us from becoming overwhelmed by challenging circumstances. Additionally, having patience makes it easier for us to understand, empathise with, and accept the differences in others. It can make us more tolerant and perceptive of other people and their viewpoints. In addition, patience helps us to stay focused and motivated, even during difficult times.

How to be Patient

1. Recognize and Accept Your Feelings: The first step to practising patience is to become aware of and accept your sentiments.

2. Take Deep Breaths: By slowing down your body and thoughts, deep breathing might help you become more patient.

3. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude: Being appreciative of the little things in life may help put things in perspective and make it simpler to have greater patience.

4. Practice Mindfulness: Take some time to focus on the present and your surroundings. This can aid in perspective-setting and make it simpler to exercise patience.

5. Get Enough Sleep: Your body will be better equipped to handle stressful events and make it simpler to be more patient if you get adequate sleep.

6. Avoid Triggers: By avoiding the things that make you impatient, you'll find it simpler to practise patience.

7. Take a Break: If you notice that you are growing irritated, it may be helpful to stop and do something to help you relax.

8. Have Reasonable Expectations: Having realistic expectations might help you avoid getting impatient and frustrated.

9. Highlight the Positive: Being more patient may be made simpler by highlighting the good qualities of a situation.

10. Ask for Professional Assistance: If you discover that you are still having trouble being patient, it would be a good idea to ask for professional assistance.


Main article: Sabr/patience

Patience with steadfast belief in Allah is called sabr (Arabic: صَبْرٌ á¹£abr), one of the best virtues of life in Islam. Through sabr, a Muslim believes that an individual can grow closer to God and thus attain true peace. It is also stressed in Islam, that Allah is with those who are patient, more specifically during calamity and suffering. Several verses in the Quran urge Muslims to seek Allah's help when faced with fear and loss, with patient prayers and perseverance for Allah. For example:

Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere; who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return".

— Quran, [2:155–156]

Similarly patience is mentioned in hadith Sahih Bukhari. He said: "What Allah sent to whoever he wanted was a means of torture, but I made it a source of mercy for the faithful, for all who live in the city where this disease exists and stay there. Endure this city without leaving it, hoping for a reward from Allah. Knowing that nothing will happen to him except as Allah prescribes to him, he will receive a reward equal to that of a martyr. ) describes a story that demonstrates perseverance and unshakable faith in Allah.

Ibn Kathir describes the story as follows. Job was very rich and had lots of land and lots of animals and children. All this was lost and soon he fell ill as a test of Allah. He prayed to Allah persistently and patiently, so Allah eventually saved him from his illness, gave him twice as much money as he lost, and brought back twice as many children who had died before him.

1. Deliberate patience:

 This type of patience is often referred to as "deliberate patience," and it involves consciously choosing to wait for something, rather than becoming frustrated or giving up. 

Intentional patience is the deliberate exercise of patience or the deliberate choice to be patient in a given circumstance. The decision to maintain composure and composure under tough or challenging conditions. It is a deliberate effort to look at the big picture and acknowledge that the current condition is merely transitory. In order to better understand the larger picture and take the required actions to achieve a desired end, deliberate patience entails setting aside one's immediate demands and ambitions. The discipline of deliberate patience entails not allowing one's emotions or short-term desires to control one's actions, but rather taking the time to carefully weigh all of one's alternatives and choose the course of action that will serve one's interests in the long run.

2. Endurance patience: 

This type of patience requires you to maintain a steady attitude of hope and optimism, as you work through challenges without giving into despair or giving up.

The capacity to maintain composure and concentration while awaiting the outcome of a tough or challenging event is known as endurance patience. It entails having the tenacity to press on despite challenges or defeats. In order to practise endurance patience, one must possess a strong sense of self-control and see the value of persistence in achieving goals.

 3. Strategic patience:

 Strategic patience involves taking a step back, considering all the options, and then making a calculated decision on how to move forward.

An approach to international relations known as strategic patience places an emphasis on postponing action and keeping a defensive posture in order to safeguard oneself against potential threats or errors. Strategic patience aims to give room for diplomatic and economic alternatives to materialise and stop a conflict from growing. The United States and other major nations frequently employ this tactic in their foreign policy since it can help prevent armed conflict and expensive military operations.

 4. Unconditional patience:

 Unconditional patience involves remaining calm and patient, even when faced with difficult or frustrating situations. This type of patience is often associated with a person's spiritual or religious beliefs.

The capacity to stay composed and understanding in all circumstances without losing your temper or getting agitated is known as unconditional patience. It entails treating others with kindness, compassion, and acceptance no matter what their situation. This kind of patience entails a positive view on life as well as being open to new chances and experiences. Instead of reacting in a hostile or judging way, it entails being able to listen and sympathise with people. Relationships require unconditional patience because it promotes clearer communication and comprehension.


Patience is the ability to be tolerant, understanding and accepting of difficult circumstances and long delays without becoming angry or frustrated. It is a personality trait of steadiness and tolerance in the face of disrespect and pressure.

To live a beautiful life you should have to be patient and by patience you will be an example for others.

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