How To Delete Page In Word?

 Drag the content on the page using your cursor to highlight all of them. If you select  a page that is only partially filled with content, you must drag the cursor past the end of the content, as if you also select an empty portion of the page. Otherwise, the third step  may not work the way you want.


1. Choose the page or pages you wish to remove from the Word document.

2. On the Home tab, choose the Editing group and then click the Delete option.

3. Choose "Pages" from the drop-down menu that appears in the Delete dialogue box.

4. To remove the page or pages, click OK.

How To Delete A Page In Word On Ipad?

With an iPad, there is sadly no way to remove a page from Word. The best course of action is to clear the page of all information and leave it empty. To accomplish this, just click the delete key on the virtual keyboard after selecting the information you want to remove. The material may also be deleted by using the scissors symbol in the upper right corner.

How To Delete Page In Word Shortcut Key?

Regrettably, Microsoft Word does not provide a shortcut key for page deletion. With Word, you must manually select the content on the page and hit the "Delete" or "Backspace" keys to remove it from the document. By selecting "Remove Page" in the Layout tab, you may also remove the page.

How To Delete Empty Page In Word?

You must first use the "Backspace" key on your keyboard in order to remove an empty page in Word. You will reach the last page of the preceding one by doing this. The "Delete" key on your keyboard should then be pressed. That will eliminate the blank page. Use the arrow keys to choose the material you wish to remove off the page if it is not totally empty, then press the "Delete" key.

How To Delete Blank Page In Word 2023?

With Word 2023, first choose the "View" tab at the top of the page to erase a blank page. Next, select "Outline" from the ribbon's options. This will launch the Outline view, allowing you to see and control the organisation of your work. Choose the empty page in the Outline view, then pick "Delete" from the context menu that appears. By doing so, the blank page from your document will be deleted.

How To Remove Blank Page In Word Online?

In Word Online, click the "File" tab at the top of the screen to remove a blank page. then choose "Options" from the menu's bottom. The window will change. Look for the "Show text borders" checkbox after choosing the "Display" option at the window's top. To make your choices permanent, uncheck this box and press "OK." Now the white page ought to be gone.

Can't Delete Blank Page In Word:

There may have been a section break that you unintentionally introduced if your Microsoft Word document has a blank page that you are unable to erase. Click the Show/Hide icon on the Home tab to see all the document's hidden formatting symbols before deleting the blank page. On the page you wish to remove, look for a section break sign, which should be close to the bottom. The blank page will vanish when you find the section break and press the Delete key to remove it. Try clicking the Page Break icon at the top of the page you wish to delete if you still can't find the section break. The blank page should be eliminated as a result.

How To Delete Page In Word 2007?

With Microsoft Word 2007, you must first pick the page that you wish to remove from the document. Then, utilise your keyboard's Delete key. If that doesn't work, you may pick "Delete All Pages After" from the "Page Setup" menu under the "Page Layout" tab. After the chosen page, all further pages will be deleted.

How To Delete Page In Word 2010?

In Word 2010, click the Page Layout tab, choose the Page Setup group, choose the Breaks drop-down menu, and then pick Next Page under Section Breaks to erase a page. Any material below it will be moved to the previous page and the page itself will be deleted. The page can also be deleted by using the Delete key on your keyboard.

How To Delete A Page In Word Mac?

Open the document that includes the page you wish to erase in Word for Mac. Choose the Navigation Pane after clicking the View tab. Press the Delete key on your keyboard after selecting the page you wish to remove. A menu will appear when you right-click on the page and choose Delete. The document will remove your page from it.

How To Delete A Page In Word On A Laptop?

Open your document in Microsoft Word on your laptop to erase a page. then start the page you wish to erase with your pointer there. In order to erase the page, repeatedly press the "Delete" key on your keyboard. If you want, you may press the "Delete" key while selecting the page you wish to remove. You can copy the page's content and paste it on another page if you wish to erase a page but maintain its contents. To accomplish this, highlight the page's content and hit "Ctrl + X" on your keyboard. Then, navigate to the page where you wish to paste the contents, then hit "Ctrl + V."

How To Delete Page In Word Mobile?

Regrettably, deleting a page in Word Mobile is not an option. The easiest technique to eliminate the page from your document is to first save it after removing all of its information. You can copy and paste the page's content onto another page if you must keep it.

How To Delete A Page In Word On Iphone?

Sadly, it is not yet feasible to delete a page in Word on an iPhone. The only method to access Microsoft Word on an iOS device is through a website because the application is not accessible as an app. Page deletion is not one of the functions available in the Word browser version that are included in the desktop version. The best method is to erase the page in Word using a computer before accessing the document on the iPhone.


Highlight all the content on a page by dragging the cursor over it. If the page is only partially filled, drag the cursor past the end of the content as if you were selecting an empty portion of the page.

how to delete page in word

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